
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Would you rather get up early or sleep late?

sleep late motherf#$kers!

Ask me anything

If you could instantly become an expert at one style of dance, what style would you pick?

funky dance

Ask me anything

What's the furthest you've ever traveled?

Las Vegas...and what happens in Vegas stays there, unless it's herpes

Ask me anything

If you had access to a time machine, where and when would be the first place you travel to?

I would travel back to when I was born so I could take a pic with myself

Ask me anything

What are you most excited about right now?


Ask me anything

Ask me anything

You are the lead curator of an exhibit to preserve the best television shows ever broadcast. You may choose three shows in their entirety. What do you pick?

Seinfeld, Family Guy minus all the recent crappy episodes, and Robot Chicken (especially Robot Chicken Star Wars)

Ask me anything